How To Germinate Hemp Seeds Properly To Maximize Yields

Germination is the most important step of plant’s early life and it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of this process before starting the plants on a larger scale. There are several methods that can be used to germinate CBD hemp seeds, and each one of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Like every other plant, hemp begins with a seed that contains the vital ingredients a plant needs to grow. The process of germination starts the seed out of the hibernation period and begins the growth process. Seeds can only germinate when they are given enough moisture. If you are looking for a comprehensive guide on how to germinate hemp cbd seeds, here is everything you need to know before getting started.

Before germination 

Even though nature has its own mechanism for germinating seeds, they still require an ideal environment to do so properly. Hemp CBD seeds require:

  • Enough moisture for the seed shell to break
  • Optimum temperature between 68° to 72° F

Minimum Interference

Always try to choose high-quality seeds that increase the chances of a successful germination attempt. Here are three simple ways to germinate your hemp seeds. 

Collection of seeds for sprouting

Seed Germination in the Soil

This method is one of the easiest ways to germinate hemp seeds. It allows the hemp growers to ensure minimal interference, while the roots of the young plants start growing. It is the natural process of growing seeds and does not require many resources. Make sure to adjust the PH of the soil to around 6. In the beginning, seeds do not require much nutrients as the soil already contains enough.

To prepare the soil for germination, create a small hole of about 1.5cm and place the seed in it. Cover it up with some more soul and spray some water on it. If you have some already germinated seeds, make sure to place roots downwards and gently sprinkle some soul over it.

Monitor the soil so that it keeps moist, and you can see the seed germinating in 4 to 5 days. As soon as the stem emerges from the soil, you will have your seedling ready to go in the pot for further growth. You can also germinate your certified industrial hemp seeds in water

Germinating Hemp CBD Seeds in Water

You can also germinate your seeds in the water. It is a super effective way of getting the stem out of the seed. With more water and light, your seeds will start to germinate within 24 to 48 hours.

People can also try water germination as it gives the seeds the right amount of moisture, and it quickly cracks the shell to expose the root.

If you intend to germinate your hemp seeds in water, fill a glass with tap water and let it settle at room temperature. Now add some hemp seeds to the glass. Make sure to change the water every other day. The roots will start to appear within 3 to 4 days. As soon as the roots are about 0.1 to 0.2 inches, remove the seedlings and place them in the soil. Do not add any nutrients to the soil, and place the glass of water directly under light to ensure quick germination.

Person showing how to germinate hemp seeds

Germination with a Paper Towel

You can also germinate your hemp seeds on paper towels. Paper towels or even cotton pads are a preferred option as they can keep the moisture intact and let the seeds soak in it to initiate the cracks. Begin by taking two wet paper towels and place the seeds between them. The temperature should be around 72°f. Use an upside down bowl to cover the paper towel. Tiny roots will start to show up within 2 to 5 days. Wait until the root is about 3-5mm and then relocate it into the soil.

Planting the Germinated Seeds

Now that your seeds have sprouted, they need to be planted as soon as possible so that the growth phase of hemp can begin. Make sure to touch the seeds gently and avoid any damage to the roots or stems. Make sure to point the white root downwards and submerge an inch of it in the growing medium. Cover the seedlings with more soil or growing medium, and it will take about 10 days before the plant starts to surface.

Field Cultivation of Hemp

Like most other crops, hemp also requires specific soil, nutrient, light, PH, and of course, water. Make sure to choose aerated loamy soil to grow hemp. The PH of the soil should be between 6 to 7.5, which is slightly acidic to neutral. If your growing climate does not receive enough rain, you’ll need to setup an irrigation system to supply water to the plants. A hemp crop requires nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and calcium.

Hemp seeds for germinating plants organic in soil
Field pic of our Rocket Fuel variety

Wrap Up

Hemp is a valuable crop and knowing how to germinate seeds properly is crucial to maximizing your yields down the line. Also, make sure to select cultivars that have high germination rates and the testing to back it up. You find more info on our cultivars by clicking here: VIEW SEED CATALOG.

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