Planting Hemp Seeds For Growing Pollen Helps Improve Bee Populations

Bee populations have been in decline since the late 1990’s with the rapid disappearance of bee colonies. For instance, last winter was one of the worst bee hive losses on record. But, recent research from Colorado State University suggests that by planting more hemp seeds for growing pollination, hemp plants can actually help sustain the bees’ population and improve their ecosystem.

One third of our world food production is reliant on pollination. Without pollinators, such as bees, we could be in real trouble. Bees play an important role as facilitators of pollination in our ecosystem. Their steady decline is linked to widespread use of harmful pesticides that kill bees.

Hemp Seeds For Growing Pollination Helps Bees

A study by Colorado State University setup approximately 10 traps in a Colorado hemp farm. As result, they collected a wide range of bees over 5 days during the peak of hemp flowering season, when pollination levels are the highest (around the end of July to late September). The researchers observed that the flowering hemp plants helped honeybees by providing essential pollinators that supported their agroecosystem. 

Hemp Farming Creates Useful Pollination

Hemp is a valuable crop for beekeepers because it is a wind pollinating crop and the pollination is useful to sustain honeybees and other wild bees. More so, hemp plants contain essential phytochemicals in their pollen that are also useful. As result, bees can develop greater survival and pathogen resistance when exposed to a diverse range of pollination. The researchers concluded that hemp farming supports the honeybee ecosystem since it provides the bees with healthy pollen.

Future Outlook On Hemp and Bee Populations

As hemp cultivation grows, the appearance of pests on hemp will become more widespread. The researchers at Colorado State suggested that hemp farmers should develop a balanced pest management program by controlling pests AND protecting valuable pollinators for the struggling bee population. Here are 3 techniques they outlined:

  • Eliminate the use of bee-harming pesticides
  • Create a plan for fostering bees
  • Implement an organic agricultural system

All in all, it is great to understand the wide-range applications and benefits of hemp. Bees are an important part of our ecosystem and they help in improving our world food production. Let’s work together to help save bees! 


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